My previous blog post was about my firstborn son, Caleb. When I linked it to Facebook I'd thought the "teaser" photo would be the first one I'd put in, of Caleb a few days old. However, it ended up being the second one, of Caleb and my second born son, Harrison. I'd said that Caleb was a child of promise from the beginning, but didn't mention Harrison. Well, here's the rest of the story. . .
I had a miscarriage when Caleb was about 10 months old. Shortly after, I got pregnant again. We were excited, but nervous. In May, at eight weeks pregnant I lost some amniotic fluid. The doctor said, "take it easy" and "no lifting." Still, it was a 50-50 chance that the baby would survive.
Right after this diagnosis we went to Arizona on vacation as planned, and Dave lifted our suitcases and carried Caleb the entire time. And I had no more trouble during the pregnancy. On Dec. 6 we attended Winterfest downtown and saw the fireworks. After, we camped out in the Seneca St. McDonald's play place so Caleb could run off steam and we could count my contractions.
We dropped Caleb off at Grandmother's then headed to the hospital. During the night I narrowly missed having a C-section, but Harrison was born naturally on Sunday morning, 7:44 a.m. on December 7, 1997.
When the doctors had left and the and nurses had finished cleaning him up, I was alone in the hospital room with my baby. (Was Dave off getting breakfast somewhere? I don't remember). I could see him sleeping so peacefully under the heat lamp. I wanted a photo of this moment.
So, I got out of my hospital bed, grabbed my camera, and took it. James 1:17 filled my mind, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."
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A good and perfect gift- Harrison, hours old in the hospital |
So, I got out of my hospital bed, grabbed my camera, and took it. James 1:17 filled my mind, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."
He was perfect. Despite the pregnancy scare early on, despite them not finding his heartbeat while I was in labor during the night (I'm pretty sure it was an equipment malfunction and nothing to do with him), he was healthy. My gift from God.
Harrison was a good baby, and grew into a happy, thoughtful boy. When I had to tell him "no," he stopped what he was doing. I wasn't used to that!
From the beginning, Harrison liked to cuddle. Soon, I realized Harrison was a good hugger. He would hug with just the right amount of pressure, for just the right amount of time. Later, he would even offer hugs at just the right times.
One winter evening Harrison asked me how he could know he would go to Heaven. I told him he could ask Jesus into his heart right then. He wanted to, and we prayed together. Then we told Caleb that Harrison was a Christian now. Caleb wanted to become one too! Caleb made a sign to commemorate the occasion, I snapped some photos, and then we went to Braum's for ice cream.
Harrison liked playing with Rescue Heroes, and his favorite Halloween costume was Batman, and he loved his Superman summer jammies that we couldn't resist buying for him when we went to buy Caleb some new pajamas to wear to McLean's end-of-year pajama party.
His compassion for others and desire to help led him to become a real, live Rescue Hero and join the Coast Guard. He was sad when his ultimate goal to be a rescue diver wasn't to be (turns out he's colorblind. We never knew!). I, however, was grateful I didn't have to wonder if he was jumping into stormy seas at any given moment to assist shipwreck victims.
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Caleb Harrison CHRISTIANS January 22, 2002 |
Harrison liked playing with Rescue Heroes, and his favorite Halloween costume was Batman, and he loved his Superman summer jammies that we couldn't resist buying for him when we went to buy Caleb some new pajamas to wear to McLean's end-of-year pajama party.
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Superhero- Harrison's favorite Superman pajamas |
Harrison also liked animals. He would try to catch the barn cats when we visited the farm. He liked the succession of kittens we attempted raise and was the one to name them: Rosie, Raja, and Princess. Unfortunately, each met an early demise.
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Caleb and Harrison with Grandpa and Grandma Epp's farm dog, Ebony. |
Harrison loved his stuffed animals and gave them all really good names. One white, fluffy dog was Happy. A teddy bear was Growl.
On visits to Osco (where my Aldi is now) we would make sure to go down the aisle with the stuffed animals. His favorite was a large German shepherd that he would hug and pet. I would always pet a little black-and-white tuxedo kitty because it reminded me of my favorite childhood cat, Oscar. Since the German shepherd was a more expensive item and his birthday and Christmas were a long way off, he would put it back and say "goodbye" until next time.
Then Harrison came into some cash. (Birthday money? I don't remember). He decided he wanted to buy the German shepherd, so we went to Osco. Excitedly, he pulled the stuffed dog out of the cubby and gave it a hug. (What was his name?) Then he also picked up the tuxedo kitty and asked if he had enough money to buy it for me. He did.
With tears in my eyes, I nearly told Harrison he didn't need to buy me the kitty. But I sensed that this was something important he wanted to do, and I let him. And I thanked him. And I have kept Oscar in a little basket on my dresser ever since, and I think about Harrison's sacrificial love, and his sweet, giving spirit.
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Oscar, the stuffed kitty that reminded me of my favorite cat growing up, Oscar Meyer Weiner Schnitzel. |
At the beginning of his sophomore year in high school, Harrison suffered a severe concussion at football practice which ended his football and wrestling careers. He didn't seem to mind the loss, but I wondered what he would end up doing with his life.
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Harrison Franklin as a high school senior |
His compassion for others and desire to help led him to become a real, live Rescue Hero and join the Coast Guard. He was sad when his ultimate goal to be a rescue diver wasn't to be (turns out he's colorblind. We never knew!). I, however, was grateful I didn't have to wonder if he was jumping into stormy seas at any given moment to assist shipwreck victims.
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Cape May, NJ- Harrison at his Coast Guard graduation. |
Still, he was on a ship, the "Sherman," and contact with him was limited. I had to trust that he was in God's hands. One day I was shopping at Kirkland's and God gave me a little reminder of his gift to me.
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I saw this when I was shopping in December of 2016. Harrison was stationed in Hawaii and on a ship somewhere on the Pacific Coast. He went as far south as Panama and as far north as Alaska. |
When Harrison received his assignment to go Astoria, Oregon, he married Olivia Thomas, whom he'd met in Wichita two months before shipping out with the Coast Guard. With his sensitive and compassionate nature, I'd always thought Harrison would make someone an excellent husband. With her creativity and sense of adventure, Olivia has been good wife for him.
Engaged- Olivia and Harrison, December 2017 |
Harrison and Olivia loved living in Oregon and took advantage of the many hiking opportunities. I was thankful that when they couldn't come back to Kansas, they often spent holidays with Dave's brother Eric in Washington, about three hours from their place. It helped to know they were with family.
When Harrison finished his Coast Guard assignment, they moved back to Wichita. Since he'd had considerable fire training, he pursued a career with the Wichita Fire Department and was hired in September of 2022. I'd always thought Harrison's compassionate nature would make him a good person to comfort someone in distress. I also know he has the guts to do daring things. Now he's putting that to use in crisis, sharing his gift with people in need.
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Down at the station- Kathy and Eric Franklin joined Dave and me on a firehouse visit last year. Harrison showed us around until he had to leave on a call. The place was vacated within a minute! |
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