Monday, September 6, 2010

Party on the Patio

Caleb's on the freshman football team, so for the varsity game on Friday he was in the band. He's in the center with the tuba, his friend Sean is playing trumpet.

After the first North High football game of the season on Sept. 3, we invited Caleb's friends and their parents over for a party on our patio. The weather was perfect, with the first hint of cool in the air. The kids roasted hot dogs and marshmallows for s'mores around the fire pit. I'd fixed two pounds of taco meat and had a crock pot of nacho cheese for macho nachos. Caleb wheeled out our garage TV so a few played Guitar Hero. The kids had a cooler full of pop, and adults had a few stronger options. After a while the kids were playing tag in the front yard, with the streetlight as the boundary.

Caleb has a core group of friends from McLean Elementary that went to other middle schools but are now back together for high school. A lot of them also spent summers together at the Twin River Club. We're friends with so many of the parents--I love that.

Friday night was also fun because we played East High, where Dave's cousin Walt's daughter is a freshman, so we invited them too. A good friend of Walt and Dave's happened to be in town from Chicago, and he came over too. The boys' wrestling coach came too.

My big regret is I didn't take pictures. I wasn't sure how they'd turn out in the dark, but I should have anyway, because I love this group and I want it to continue. I might have another chance, because a couple of the moms said they'd do an after party during the football season. If they don't, we will.

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About Me

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I am a freelance writer. I also work full time with our business, Franklin Lawn Service. My husband, David, and I met as students at Tabor College and we have been married for almost 20 years. We have three great kids, Caleb, Harrison, and Laurel.