Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thanks a Lot!

Last night we officially ended the high school wrestling season with Wichita North High's wrestling banquet (in this instance "banquet" means "potluck" with burgers and hot dogs provided).

This also means my job as team meal coordinator is also finished. In fall, shortly after I'd signed on for the job, a friend who arranged pre-game meals for his school's football team said he never received any thanks. Sometimes players would ask him what was for dinner that day, but when it came to thanking him for providing it for them, hot and ready--nothing.

With that in mind, I wasn't expecting much. However, I am happy to report that my experience has been completely different than his.

For every meal we made, we had many--if not a majority--of the wrestlers say "thanks" as we filled their plates. Many made a point to thank us again as they left. When I served chicken gumbo for the first meal, one wrestler came back to exclaim, "Girl, you can COOK!" That gave me enough fuel to make it several more weeks. The wrestlers raved about Julie's homemade chicken and noodles served over mashed potatoes, so we made it for them again a few weeks later. They rewarded us with more praise.

I know Coach Johnston often reminded the boys to thank us for the meal, but hey, having the coach support and appreciate our efforts is good too.

Our team didn't finish nearly as high at state as my friend's, but I would have to say that the thankfulness our team exhibits is equally deserving of a trophy, and ultimately more important as they walk through life.


About Me

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I am a freelance writer. I also work full time with our business, Franklin Lawn Service. My husband, David, and I met as students at Tabor College and we have been married for almost 20 years. We have three great kids, Caleb, Harrison, and Laurel.